Almost picnic weather!
This term, our topic for Design & Technology has been 'Healthy and Hearty.'
The children started by learning about a healthy and balanced diet and used this to plan their packed lunches, where they planned ideas for sandwiches and snacks they would like in a packed lunch.
We then designed the lunch box itself and talked about the most efficient materials we could use to make them. They then made a prototype where they were given a net of the lunchbox and they did their initial design, cut out the net then folded and glued this together as practise for the final product.
For the final product, the children evaluated their prototypes and could change the design if they needed to, then proceeded to make their final product using the same skills as practised with the prototype.
Today, the children made their packed lunches, they used different skills such as chopping, slicing, spreading and assembling.
After all of their hard work, we decided to then take their lunches to the field for a picnic and have a well- earned break!