SEND Family Support
Swindon Local Offer for SEND families Local Offer is a website in Swindon for children & adults who have support needs, giving you correct information and advice at any time.
Swindon SEND Families Voice Swindon SEND Families Voice are a non-profit making Community Interest Company formed by parent and carers in January 2018. We are a group of parents that have children with additional needs. We feel passionate about ensuring the services in our area meet the needs of Swindon’s disabled children and their families, and that all parents and carers feel supported
Challenging Behaviour The wellbeing of the whole family is paramount. Our advice and resources help to keep everyone well.
Support for children and young people with bladder and bowel conditions ERIC, the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity is the UK’s leading charity supporting all children and teenagers with a bowel or bladder problem. For over thirty years, we have been providing information and emotional support to families about these common but often misunderstood conditions.
Swindon Portage and Special Tots Swindon Portage and Special Tots Service supports young children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by; 1. Providing a special tots group for parents/carers and their children. 2. Offering a home visiting service to enable parents/carers to help their child. 3. To liaise with settings, schools the Local Authority and health services about the child’s SEND.
Speech and Language Therapy in Swindon Find advice and support here
Autism advice and support Charities, support groups, and specialist service providers, are all ready to share advice and experience whenever you need it. is FREE website dedicated to making those helpful and sometimes vital links, it covers who to talk to, where to go and contains lots of helpful advice all in one place.
PDA Society PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) is widely understood to be a profile on the autism spectrum, involving the avoidance of everyday demands and the use of ‘social’ strategies as part of this avoidance. PDA individuals share autistic characteristics and also have many of the ‘key features’ of a PDA profile.
ADHD Foundation The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome.
Support for Families with disabled children in the Early Years Early years education settings in England have a duty to support children with special educational needs (SEN). Early years settings can include childminders, day nurseries, pre-schools, holiday playschemes and childcare in your own home. Find out more about diagnosis and provision here.