Our Curriculum, Vision and Values
Our Early Years Policy 2021
At Catherine Wayte Primary School we aim to:
- ensure that all children are given the teaching, support and opportunities necessary to ensure they meet the Early Learning Goals as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
- provide children with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve the ‘expected’ level of development in all 7 areas of the 2021 EYFS curriculum and achieve a Good Level of Development (defined in EYFS curriculum as reaching ‘expected’ in all prime areas in addition to Literacy and Mathematics by the end of FS2.
- meet the needs of all children, building on previous experiences, interests and background, enabling them to work at their own level and achieve their potential.
- help the children develop a positive attitude towards learning.
- develop confident, motivated, cooperative and independent learners.
- promote and encourage good behaviour choices.
- celebrate the differences between all individuals and promote respect for each other.
- liaise closely with parents, pre-schools, child care providers and other professionals to ensure children’s smooth and stress-free transition between settings and key stages.
- develop a partnership with parents to ensure home and school work effectively together.
- provide opportunities for the continued learning of all adults working within Foundation Stage 2