1st February 2021
Dear Parents
Another week has passed, with another week’s worth of great home learning and fantastic parental support for the children’s endeavours. Thank you so much to you all for ensuring that we can keep an eye on everyone’s progress; this helps us ensure that the learning materials we are preparing are still managing to keep the children engaged and busy. We know that our blend of live, recorded and offline sessions won’t perfectly suit everyone: our aim to is suit as many people as possible to as great an extent as we can and we will continue to make tweaks to our delivery whenever we can to improve our remote learning offer.
Live drop-in sessions will once again run daily next week – we encourage as many children as possible to attend as they are a nice way to check in and have a friendly conversation whilst hopefully providing a little guidance on the day’s activities. Wednesday’s live session is scheduled for a debate – the topic may well emerge from the news cycle, so we have not yet included what the debate will be about! We hope to share this information ahead of time to give the children a chance to organise their thoughts. It has been great to have a few more of the children feeling confident enough to share during live sessions but we know it can be daunting and we can’t (and wouldn’t want to) put children on the spot and make them contribute!
As usual, the week’s learning resources can be found on Microsoft Teams as well as on this page. Please do keep encouraging your child to share their work with us, or let you do so if they don’t have the technical capability. Work can be emailed to yearsix@catherinewayte.swindon.sch.uk or uploaded to Teams, although we won’t necessarily know it’s there unless you also email us to tell us!
On a final note, we know that some pupils may be finishing early on some days, whilst finding other days slightly more full. We would suggest that any activities they couldn’t complete on the day could possibly be continued on days when they finish earlier. Strangely, the children don’t often seem to think of that themselves…
Have a restful weekend and stay safe,
Mr Shammas and Mrs Tomlins