Parent and Family Support
The Parenting Toolbox
Parenting Smart from Place2be Practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and manage behaviour
Gingerbread The charity supporting single parent families to live secure, happy and fulfilling lives.
Single parents This site is an information site for anyone who is raising children on their own, whether through relationship breakup, illness, bereavement, work commitments or choice. It is run by Single Parent Action Network
Swindon Young Carers A young carer looks after someone who is ill, has a disability, or has mental health issues. Or, if a parent or family member has an alcohol or drug problem, they may be unable to care for themselves or anyone else. A young carer looks after someone within their family home; a parent, sibling, or other family member. Caring for someone may involve physically supporting someone with daily tasks, such as dressing, cooking, and cleaning if your family member cannot do these things themselves. You may also offer regular emotional care, such as comforting, listening and talking to the person you care for, which causes you stress, worry, or anxiety. The Young Carer team supports children aged 5 years and up.
Dragonflies If you are; a parent battling cancer, parenting children who have lost a parent to cancer or a family member of the above contact dragonflies for support
Parent Carers Does your child have additional needs, aged between 0-18? If so, you could be a Parent Carer.
Parenting 24/7 Free courses on parenting and managing challenging behaviour, run by New College
Adult Community learning Free online courses on everything from Arts and crafts to employability, run by Swindon Borough Council
Grandparents rights Grandparents do not have an automatic legal right to see your grandchild if a parent stops you seeing them. There may however be steps you can take to get access