Support for Mathematics
Please also refer to our selection of multiplication and division video guides which can be found by clicking on the 'Children' tab on our school website and then looking in 'Video Resources'. Further examples can be found in the maths calculation policies by clicking on the 'Key Information' tab and then looking in 'Policies'. Thank you.
- Scaling
- timetables and time
- reading scales
- number facts
- line graphs
- decimals
- charts and tables
- bar charts and tables
- Times Tables Top Tips
- Number bonds
- FS2 and KS1 maths
- FS2 and KS1 maths
- Maths games and activities to develop times tables.
- KS2 written calculations guide.pdf
- Times Tables Ideas.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Card Doubles.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Clear the Deck!.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Funky Mummy.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Number Bond Splat!.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Place Value.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Snakes and Adders.pdf
- KS1 Maths Game - Wild West.pdf
- KS2 Maths Game - Equivalent Fractions.pdf
- KS2 Maths Game - Factors.pdf
- KS2 Maths Game - Multiples.pdf
- KS2 Maths Game - Roundng.pdf