"At Catherine Wayte Primary School, we understand that music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, learn, think and act. We know that music helps children learn about different cultures and generations and helps pupils understand themselves and relate to others. The intent of our Music teaching is to help inspire children to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement."
- extract from our Music Policy (found at the bottom of the page)
Music lessons
There is a clear progression through the school to learn, understand and put into practice all the elements of music:
FS2 – Y4: Musical elements are learned, developed and built upon through the first five years at school to ensure a really good understanding. This is done using the resources Music Express and Charanga.
Y5: Children in Year 5 have an opportunity to put into practice the theory they have previously learned by having whole class musical tuition on ukuleles.
Y6: Children use Charanga to explore some different musical genres. The key focus during this year is on performance and again putting all the theory children have learned into practice by learning how to play samba drums and accompanying instruments and then performing in front of an audience at the end of the year at the leavers’ assembly.
Extra-curricular music
At Catherine Wayte we incorporate music into many aspects of school life and children are given opportunities in a range of different ways including:
- Assembly songs from many genres, eras and cultures
- Year group productions, eg. Christmas plays and end of Y6 productions
- Cross-curricular songs, eg. Y2 campfire songs in French
- Christmas sing-alongs and sign-alongs
- Action songs played on the playground during Friday lunchtimes
- Annual music evenings
- Choir practices and performances at The Wyvern during voice festivals
- Peripatetic music lessons
Learning the Xylophone in Year 4
FS2 and Key Stage 1 Strings Music Workshop (April 2022)
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