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School Logo

Catherine Wayte

Primary School


"Pupils... understand that much of their writing will be read by other people and therefore needs to be accurate, legible, and set out in an appropriate way.  By the time they leave primary school, we ensure that the children have had a broad range of experiences that foster and develop a love for the craft of writing.  The curriculum that we offer provides a wealth of opportunities for different forms of writing, in a variety of contexts and for a variety of audiences and purposes."

- extract from our Writing Policy (found at the bottom of this page)


Purposes for Writing

Teaching of writing at Catherine Wayte centres on the ideas of the purpose and the intended audience for each piece of writing.  This idea was central to our full curriculum redesign and is based on the ideas of Michael Tidd.  For a little more information about how the purposes for writing are mapped out, please follow this link.
