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School Logo

Catherine Wayte

Primary School

Collective Worship

What is Collective Worship?

Collective worship is about a school’s duty to develop pupils spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. This may include learning about interesting cultural traditions and their meaning, listening to stories with a moral message and reflecting on themes such as strength, courage or loyalty. Collective worship should draw pupils’ attention to the values the school wishes to develop both as a body and in each individual. Collective worship is about the growth of the person, their character and social outlook, whatever their academic aptitudes.


Special assemblies are included at the beginning of each term to support our school focus, which this year is personal development. Some themes link with work to be completed during the year e.g. charity events. Several themes are open-ended and provide opportunities to include multi-cultural stories / beliefs / events.  Several themes relate to ‘Gems’ and/or to British Values whilst some link to famous artists and musicians and considers their legacy and the impact they have had on the arts.  Several themes specifically recognise and explore world religions and festivals.  UNICEF’s Rights of the Child are regularly referenced in whole-school and Key Stage assemblies.

Gems assemblies generally take place on the last Friday of each month.  Each class will select 3 children who have demonstrated the school gem that month.
