11th January 2021
Dear Parents, carers and children,
Please find the remote learning pack for week commencing Monday, 11th January. We thought it might be useful to explain how the pack will work and how it is formatted.
Inside the pack you will find:
- A LSCWC (look, say, cover, write, check) spelling sheet which the children will need to complete each day. This will help with their spellings and also develop their cursive handwriting. There is an option for the children to decide which group of spellings they would like based on what they feel able to do.
- A timetable which will be colour coded to indicate to you any: pre-recorded lessons (which you will find on the video resources section of the website), lessons that will be followed up with feedback from your child’s teacher and any lessons that will be live for the children to access over teams.
- The maths each day has two differentiated sheets, please choose which one to do or you can do both based on how you are feeling with the lesson.
- The writing focus for next week will be non-chronological reports. The children will eventually be writing their own report on Ancient Egypt, but next week focuses on the skills they will need to learn in order to develop onto this.
- The guided reading is set over 3 lessons based on comprehension skills around a non-chronological report.
- The afternoon sessions are Science, History and PSHE which have handouts provided and the computing will be set as a 2do on Purple mash which the children can ‘hand in’ over Purple mash.
If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and for the hard work you are doing with your child and appreciate all of your efforts at what is such a difficult and uncertain time.
Thank you and best wishes,
The Year Three team