1st February 2021
Hello Year 2,
It is now February. Have you spotted any signs of Spring?
In English lessons we are continuing with our author topic - Roald Dahl. We are focusing on George's Marvellous Medicine and writing instructions. You might even be able to create your own Marvellous Medicine if your grown-ups let you!
Maths is all about multiplication and division and applying these skills.
Friday this week is a little bit different - we are calling it Fri-Yay! We thought it would be good to have a day without using a screen, so Friday is a screen free day. We hope you enjoy the activities.
Below are the documents for this week's learning. Please check the timetable or day planner as this indicates which work needs to be sent to us using the Year 2 email address:
If you are looking for books to read then you can register and log on to Oxford Owl for free and then follow this link
There is a drop down menu which is titled level - this is where you can choose the book band colour your child is presently on. Please continue to choose the books which your child is on as well as trying the next colour.
We look forward to seeing you at the live sessions.
Year 2 Team