25th January 2021
Dear parents and carers,
Well, another week of remote learning is done! We hope you’ve had a successful week and that it has not been too stressful. Thank you very much for all your messages of support and appreciation; we are also very grateful for all your help and patience in delivering the learning. It certainly seems that most families are settling down into a routine and that most children are accessing, and enjoying, the live sessions, which is great to see.
We just wanted to ask you a few things when sending in your child’s work. Firstly, please start a brand new email. Secondly, if your child has a different maths teacher to their class teacher, then if possible, please send your child’s maths work in a separate email. We are going to ask for four pieces of work to be emailed into us, so that we can keep an eye on your child’s progress and feedback to them on their work, when we speak to them. It would be best for us if you could email this in by the end of Sunday that week, so that we can look at the work at the start of the following week.
Many thanks for your continued support and stay safe
Mrs Minter, Mrs Hemns, Mrs Willett and the Year 5 team