25th January 2021
Dear Parents, Carers and Children,
We hope you have all had a good week. We have continued to enjoy seeing your child’s work and reading them a story on Teams. We will continue to read a story each day to them as a year group rather than a separate A1 and A2 class. It will be a longer live story session each day presented by Mrs Harris and Miss Acres (10 mins each) and following feedback, story time will start at 2.30 and finish at 2.55pm. We still plan to use the electronic hand-up so they can ask and answer questions – we will unmute them and then they will need to unmute themselves on their device.
We have again put the home learning on the website as zip folders and now have put the planned work on Teams as just folders under the folder marked – “Classroom Materials” which is located beneath the” Files” icon at the top of the screen.
We will continue to upload daily folders of work rather than folders for each subject. We will still provide a weekly overview of the learning per subject so you can see how the sequence of Reading, English and Maths is put together and you can easily swap morning and afternoon sessions around to suit you.
In each daily folder, there is an overview of the day’s lessons with times. Please feel free to move the times around and each day’s lessons to suit your home schedule. You may also want to spend more time on one subject.
As per previous weeks those lessons that are asterisked, are the lessons we would like you to send work to us and we will comment on. Of course, you may still wish to send us work you and your child are proud of too.
The Yellow boxes on the weekly timetable are the pre-recorded lessons and can be found on the website under: Children’s Resources àChildren’s Videosà year 4. We hope these continue to be useful in developing your child’s learning.
Once again, many thanks for your continued support.
Take care and kind regards,
The Year Four Team