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School Logo

Catherine Wayte

Primary School


"At Catherine Wayte Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life extending beyond the primary school classroom. The Scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. It also develops the natural curiosity of the child, encourages respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provides opportunities for critical and reasoned thinking and the evaluation of evidence."

- an extract from our Science Policy (full document can be found below)


We recognise the subject of science as essential to our everyday lives and the future of the world.  Children are taught the essential aspects of knowledge, skills, methods, processes and uses of science.  Teaching and learning is carried out with a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.


Spelling and vocabulary are also seen as an important aspect across our curriculum and will have a key focus in science teaching and learning.  Aspects of science covered include: plants, animals, habitats, seasonal changes, everyday materials, light, sound, forces, magnets, electricity, Earth and space, evolution and inheritance.


Here are some photos of the science learning at our school.


Year 6 - Evolution and Inheritance: The Beak Investigation

Year 6 - Living Things and Their Habitats - The Yeast Experiment

Year 5- Living things and their habitats- Dissecting and identifying parts of a plant

Science in Year 5- Dissolving experiment

Year 5 - Investigating Thermal Conductivity

Year 5 - Earth and Space - Constellations

Year 4 Science- How sound can change

Andy Masson - Space Expert - Visits Year 5

Reception car ramp experiment investigating forces and friction
